Why we spend more on our cars...
Before going further, herewith some facts about ourselves in the early 21st century.
FACT : We spend more on our cars than we do on our internal bodies
FACT : The majority of people do not have a clue about how their body works. Did you know that if you uncoiled all our DNA strands in the cells within our body they will stretch around the world 21 times.
FACT : Most people believe that getting a degenerative disease is bad luck. 78% of survivors questioned felt they were previously healthy before they had a heart attack or stroke.
FACT : Your body starts degenerating at birth unless your cells are given nutrients correctly. A total blind faith of the medical establishment to cure us of our illnesses is expected within the UK.
FACT : Food today is unable to give your body the natural minerals and vitamins it once did.
FACT : Scientific evidence, and there is a phenomenal amount of it, has proven that individuals have to now protect themselves with mineral, vitamin and nutritional supplementation to regress or avoid the 60 major degenerative diseases.
FACT : The majority of newspapers today carry articles on why we need supplementation. Unfortunately, very few explain how one achieves the scientific balance needed to maintain a healthy cell.
FACT : The leading causes of premature death today are: - heart disease - cancer - stroke - diabetes
FACT : Why is this? It is due to: high fat diets - lack of exercise - the toxic environment – increased stress levels - over-processing of foods for longer shelf life - polluted air - polluted poisoned water levels and worst of all, the vast amount of chemicals, poisons, herbicides and pesticides that deplete the soil in which our food grows.
FACT : You have a 50°+ chance of living to 85 but with the last 10 - 15 years of your life with a major degenerative disease.
FACT : You will know someone close to you in one of these 60 conditions.
FACT : At this moment in time, the lack of knowledge and concern displayed generally by the medical community towards prevention of degenerative disease by taking nutritiona supplementation will be replaced, as in the USA, with interest and enthusiasm as scientific evidence proves daily the benefits from quality supplements.
FACT : The majority of multi vitamins are woefully inadequate. In a recent study, many were made with the wrong ratios of nutrients to each other, or were missing some nutrients altogether(extract from New nutrition book, p.100,)
FACT : Graphs testing over 1600 leading brands are available to separate the rest from the best! The average UK gp doctor only has a 5/10 hour tuition on nutritional prevention of disease in his/her formative medical training.
FACT : Only you can help yourself. In black and white terms the medical establishment is backed by the pharmaceutical industry which only receives its vast profits from drugs which cure you. (Therefore they have no financial gain in prevention of degenerative deseases).
All questions and answers can be found in Product Knowledge – Frequently Asked Questions
These statements are taken from a famous women’s magazine. But they apply to men as well!
* Very few people actually take responsibility for their own health and destiny.
* The Western Medical System doesn’t understand the root cause of the 75+ degenerative diseases. The system treats only the symptoms with radically invasive drugs and life altering surgeries because they do not understand the underlying causes from which the symptoms arise. All that is offered to you is a short term fix with some very serious long term consequences.
* The Medical System Professionals in the western World are intelligent, highly trained, caring and well meaning people. But the system in which they work is highly corrupt, dysfunctional and narrow in its thinking processes. As a result, individual Doctors do not have the latitude to explore alternatives to conventional uneffective protocols.
* True Health is cheap. Therefore there is no profit in health. Do you really think the giant drug companies want you to be healthy? No, they only profit when your Doctor prescribes you drugs for you to take for the rest of your life. Do drugs have any benefit? Some do, sometimes. But all drugs are poisons. In some cases the benefits justify the potential side effects.
* A healthy diet, no processed food, exercise, stress management, healthy relationships, and top quality GMP Pharmaceutical Grade supplements will all keep your body cells and immune system as healthy as possible.
Before going further, herewith some facts about ourselves in the early 21st century.
FACT : We spend more on our cars than we do on our internal bodies
FACT : The majority of people do not have a clue about how their body works. Did you know that if you uncoiled all our DNA strands in the cells within our body they will stretch around the world 21 times.
FACT : Most people believe that getting a degenerative disease is bad luck. 78% of survivors questioned felt they were previously healthy before they had a heart attack or stroke.
FACT : Your body starts degenerating at birth unless your cells are given nutrients correctly. A total blind faith of the medical establishment to cure us of our illnesses is expected within the UK.
FACT : Food today is unable to give your body the natural minerals and vitamins it once did.
FACT : Scientific evidence, and there is a phenomenal amount of it, has proven that individuals have to now protect themselves with mineral, vitamin and nutritional supplementation to regress or avoid the 60 major degenerative diseases.
FACT : The majority of newspapers today carry articles on why we need supplementation. Unfortunately, very few explain how one achieves the scientific balance needed to maintain a healthy cell.
FACT : The leading causes of premature death today are: - heart disease - cancer - stroke - diabetes
FACT : Why is this? It is due to: high fat diets - lack of exercise - the toxic environment – increased stress levels - over-processing of foods for longer shelf life - polluted air - polluted poisoned water levels and worst of all, the vast amount of chemicals, poisons, herbicides and pesticides that deplete the soil in which our food grows.
FACT : You have a 50°+ chance of living to 85 but with the last 10 - 15 years of your life with a major degenerative disease.
FACT : You will know someone close to you in one of these 60 conditions.
FACT : At this moment in time, the lack of knowledge and concern displayed generally by the medical community towards prevention of degenerative disease by taking nutritiona supplementation will be replaced, as in the USA, with interest and enthusiasm as scientific evidence proves daily the benefits from quality supplements.
FACT : The majority of multi vitamins are woefully inadequate. In a recent study, many were made with the wrong ratios of nutrients to each other, or were missing some nutrients altogether(extract from New nutrition book, p.100,)
FACT : Graphs testing over 1600 leading brands are available to separate the rest from the best! The average UK gp doctor only has a 5/10 hour tuition on nutritional prevention of disease in his/her formative medical training.
FACT : Only you can help yourself. In black and white terms the medical establishment is backed by the pharmaceutical industry which only receives its vast profits from drugs which cure you. (Therefore they have no financial gain in prevention of degenerative deseases).
All questions and answers can be found in Product Knowledge – Frequently Asked Questions
These statements are taken from a famous women’s magazine. But they apply to men as well!
* Very few people actually take responsibility for their own health and destiny.
* The Western Medical System doesn’t understand the root cause of the 75+ degenerative diseases. The system treats only the symptoms with radically invasive drugs and life altering surgeries because they do not understand the underlying causes from which the symptoms arise. All that is offered to you is a short term fix with some very serious long term consequences.
* The Medical System Professionals in the western World are intelligent, highly trained, caring and well meaning people. But the system in which they work is highly corrupt, dysfunctional and narrow in its thinking processes. As a result, individual Doctors do not have the latitude to explore alternatives to conventional uneffective protocols.
* True Health is cheap. Therefore there is no profit in health. Do you really think the giant drug companies want you to be healthy? No, they only profit when your Doctor prescribes you drugs for you to take for the rest of your life. Do drugs have any benefit? Some do, sometimes. But all drugs are poisons. In some cases the benefits justify the potential side effects.
* A healthy diet, no processed food, exercise, stress management, healthy relationships, and top quality GMP Pharmaceutical Grade supplements will all keep your body cells and immune system as healthy as possible.